11 wesentliche „To-Dos“ für die Vorbereitung auf das Erstsemesterjahr

Starting college is an exciting time in any young adult’s life. It’s a time of newfound independence, self-discovery, and new experiences. However, with all the excitement, it’s easy to overlook some important details when preparing for your freshman year. To help you stay on track and make the most out of your college experience, we’ve compiled a list of 11 easily forgotten “to-dos” for incoming freshmen.

1. Beantragen Sie finanzielle Unterstützung

One of the first things you should do when preparing for college is to fill out the Freie Bewerbung für Bundesstipendienhilfe (FAFSA). This form determines your eligibility for financial aid. such as grants, scholarships, and loans. The earlier you submit your FAFSA, the better your chances are of receiving financial aid.

2. Legen Sie ein Budget fest

College expenses can add up quickly, so it’s important to set a budget and stick to it. Consider your living expenses, including rent, food, utilities, and any other necessary expenses. Also, don’t forget to budget for non-essential items, such as entertainment and dining out.

3. Choose Your Major

It’s okay if you’re still undecided on a major, but it’s important to have a general idea of what you want to study. This will help you choose the right classes and set a path towards your future career.

4. Melden Sie sich für Klassen an

Speaking of classes, make sure to register for your courses as soon as possible. Popular classes and time slots fill up fast, so it’s important to have a plan and register early to secure a spot in your preferred classes.

5. Purchase Course Materials

Don’t wait until the last minute to purchase your textbooks and course materials. Buying them early allows you to shop around for the best deals and ensure you have everything you need for your classes.

6. Connect With Roommates

If you will be living in a dorm, reach out to your roommates before move-in day. This will help you get to know them, coordinate items to bring for the room, and establish ground rules for shared living space.

7. Familiarize Yourself With the Campus

Take a tour of the campus, or attend an orientation session, to get familiar with the layout of your new school. Knowing where your classes, library, cafeterias, and other important locations are located can save you a lot of time and stress in the long run.

8. Research Campus Resources

Most campuses offer a variety of resources for students, including tutoring services, counseling, and career centers. Take advantage of these resources to enhance your college experience and help you achieve your academic and personal goals.

9. Beteiligen Sie sich

Joining clubs, organizations, or sports teams is a great way to make new friends and get involved on campus. It’s also an excellent way to develop new skills and gain valuable experience for your resume.

10. Erstellen Sie einen Zeitplan

College can be overwhelming if you don’t have a schedule or routine. Use a planner or calendar to schedule your classes, study time, and other activities. This will help you stay on track and balance your academic and social life.

11. Kümmern Sie sich um Ihre geistige und körperliche Gesundheit

Finally, don’t forget to prioritize your mental and physical health. College can be stressful, and it’s important to take breaks, practice self-care, and seek help if you need it.


Follow these essential “to-dos” to make the most out of your freshman year and set yourself up for success. And don’t forget to check out TUN AI, a powerful platform that provides personalized and data-driven recommendations on your academic and career path. Have a great freshman year!

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